
Monday, September 20, 2010

The Power and Money

The Power  -- Rhonda Byrne  Book just published
The book is available in all leading general bookstore of
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Following is excerpt from the bestseller book of Rhonda
Byrne named “The Power”

The Power and Money

When you don't feel good about money, you repel it. It
will never stick to you. Even when you get some extra money
you hadn't figured on receiving, in no time at all you will find
that it has slipped through your fingers. Bigger bills come in,
things break down, and unforeseen circumstances of every
kind occur, all of which drains you of money and takes it right
out of your hands.

So what is it that makes money stick? Lovel Love is the
attracting force that brings money, and love is also the power
that makes money stick! It has nothing to do with whether
you are a good person or not. That aspect of you is beyond any
question whatsoever, because you are far more magnificent
than you realize.

You have to give love and feel good about money to bring
it to you and make it stick! Right now if you lack money, and
your credit card debt is increasing, you have no sticking power
and you are repelling money.

It doesn't matter what financial state you are in now. It
doesn't matter what financial state your business, your country,
or the world is in. There is no such thing as a hopeless
situation. There are people who lived during the Great
Depression who thrived because they knew the law of love
and attraction. They lived the law by imagining and feeling
everything they wanted, and they defied the circumstances
that surrounded them.

The force of love can break through every single obstacle
or situation. World problems are no obstacle for the force
 of love. The law of attraction operates with the same power
whether the times are up or down.
How to Change the way You Feel About Money
When you change the way you feel about money, the
amount of money in your life will change. The better you feel
about money, the more money you magnetize to yourself.
If you don't have much money, then receiving bills won't
make you feel good. But the moment you react negatively
to a big bill, you give bad feelings, and most surely you will
receive bigger bills. Whatever you give, you receive back. The
most important thing is that when you pay your bills, you find
a way, any way, to make yourself feel good. Never pay your bills
when you don't feel good, because you will just bring bigger
bills to you.

To change what you're feeling, you need to use your
imagination to turn your bills into something that makes
you feel better. You can imagine they' re not real ly bills at all
but instead you've decided to donate money to each company
or person out of the goodness of your heart, because of the
wonderful se rvice they provide.
Imagine your bills are checks you're receiving. Or use
grat itude and give thanks to the company who sent you the
bill, by thinking about how you've benefited from their se rvice
- for electricity or being able to live in a home. You can write
across the front of a bill when you pay it, "Thank you - paid."
If you don't have the money to pay the bill right away, write
across the front of it, 'Thank you for the money."The law of
attraction doesn't question whether what you imagine and feel
is real or not. It responds to what you give, period.

"You are rewarded not according to your work or
your time but according to the measure of your love."

When you receive your salary, be grateful for it so it
multiplies! Most people don't even feel good when they are
paid, because they're so worried about how to make their
salary last. They miss an incredible opportunity to give love
every time they're paid. When some money comes into your
hands, no matter how little it is, be gratefull Remember,
whatever you're grateful for multiplies. Gratitude is the
great multiplier!

Seize Every Opportunity to Play
Seize every moment that you are handling money to
make the money multiply by feeling good. Feel love when
you pay for anything! Feel love when you hand over money!
Feel love with all your heart by imagining how much your
money is helping the company and the staff who work for the
company. It will make you feel good about the money you're
giving instead of feeling bad because you have less money. The
difference between the two is the difference between having
plenty of money and struggling with money for the rest of
your life.
Here is a game you can play so you remember to feel good
about money each time you handle it. Imagine a dollar bill.
Imagine the front of the dollar bill as the positive side, which
represents plenty of money. Imagine the back of the dollar bill
as the negative side representing a lack of money. Each time
you handle money, deliberately Rip the bills so the front is
facing you. Put bills in your wallet with the front facing you.
When you hand over money, make sure the front is facing
upward. By doing this you are using money as your cue to
remember to feel good about plenty of money.
If you are using a credit card, then Rip the credit card to
the front where your name is, because the front of your credit
card is telling you that there is an abundance of money and it
has your name on it!

When you pay for anything, as you hand over your card
or money, imagine an abundance of money for the person you
are handing it to, and mean it. Whatever you give out, you
receive back!
Imagine that you are wealthy right now. Imagine that
you have all the money you need right now. How would you
live your life differently? Think about all the things you
would do. How would you feel? You would feel different and
because you would feel different, you would walk differently.
You would talk differently. You would hold your body in a
different way, and you would move differently. You would
react differently to everything. Your reaction to bills would
be different. Your reaction to people, circumstances, events,
and everything in life would be different. Because you would
feel different! You would be relaxed. You would have peace of
mind. You would feel happy. You would be easygoing about
everything. You would enjoy every day, without giving any
thought to tomorrow. That's the feeling you want to capture. r
That is the feeling of love for money, and that feeling is 1
magnetically sticky! 
"Capture the feeling associated with your realized
wish by assuming the feeling that would be yours
were you already in possession of the thing you desire,
and your wish will objectify itself"
Say Yes to Money  
Remember, any time you hear of another person receiving
more money or success, get excited, because it means you're
on that frequency' It is evidence that you're on a good
frequency, so be as excited as if it were happening to you,
because your reaction to the news is everything. If you react
with joy and excitement for the other person, you are saying
yes to more money and success for yourself. If you react by
feeling disappointed or envious that it's not happening to you,
your bad feelings are saying no to more money and success
for yourself. If you hear of a person winning the lottery, or
you hear of a company making record profits, be excited and
happy for them. The fact that you heard the news tells you
that you're on the same frequency, and your reaction of feeling
good feelings for those people says yes for you!
A few years ago, I reached an all-time low with money in
my life. I had several credit cards that I had charged up, my
apartment was mortgaged to the limit, and my company was
in debt for millions of dollars because I was making a film
called The Secret. I think my situation with money was about
as bad as anybody's can get. I wanted money to finish the film,
I knew the law of attraction, and I knew I had to feel good
about money to bring it to me. But it wasn't easy because
every single day I was confronted by the mounting debt, with
people calling for money, and had no idea how I would be able
to pay my staff's wages. So I took drastic action.
I walked to an ATM and drew out several hundred dollars
from my credit card account. I needed that money so badly
to pay bills and buy food, but I took the money in my hand,
walked down a busy street, and I gave the money away to
people on the street.
I put a $50 bill in my hand, and as I walked, I looked at
each person's face as they walked toward me, trying to decide
who to give the money to. I wanted to give money to every
single person, but I only had a certain amount. I let my heart
choose and I gave the money away to all kinds of people. It
was the first time in my life I had felt love for money. But
it wasn't the money itself that caused me to feel love, it was
giving the money to people that made me feel love for money.
It was a Friday, and afterward I had tears of joy all weekend
about how good it felt to give money.
On Monday afternoon something astounding happened:
my bank account received $25,000 through the most
incredible sequence of events. That $25,000 literally fell out
of the sky into my life and into my account. I had bought
some shares in a friend's company years earlier, and I had
forgotten about them because they had never increased in
value. But that Monday morning I received a phone call asking
me if I would sell my shares as they had skyrocketed in value,
and by Monday afternoon the money for the shares was in
my account.

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