
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Guide to Good Health

The Power  -- Rhonda Byrne 
 Book just published
The book is available in all leading general bookstore of
Your city.
or you can purchase from 
Following is excerpt from the bestseller book of Rhonda
Byrne named “The Power”

Guide to health
The Power and Health

What you think in your heart is what you believe to be
true. Beliefs are simply repeated thoughts with strong feelings
attached to them like, "I catch colds easily," "I have a sensitive
stomach," "I find it hard to lose weight," "I'm allergic to that,"
"Coffee keeps me awake." All these are beliefs, not facts.
A belief is when you have made up your mind, the verdict
is in, you've najled the door shut and thrown away the key, and
there is no room for negotiation. But whatever you believe
and feel is true will be true for you, whether your beliefs help
you or harm you. Whatever beliefs you give out, the law of
attraction says you must receive back.

All cells in your body must work as a team, 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week, for their entire life. Their sole purpose is to maintain
the life and health in your body. You have around 100 trillion
cells in your body. That's 100,000,000,000,000 cells who
are working nonstop to give you life! All 100 trillion cells are
under your command, and you are commanding them and
instructing them with your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
Whatever you believe about your body, your cells believe
too. They don't question anything you think, feel, or believe.
In fact, they hear every thought, feeling, and belief you have.
If you think or say, "I always get jetlag when I travel,"
your cells receive "jetlag" as a command, and they must carry
out your instructions. Think and feel that you have a weight
problem, and your cells receive the order of a weight problem.
They must follow your instructions and keep your body in an
overweight condition. Be afraid you might catch an illness,
and your cells receive the message of the illness, and they
immediately get busy creating the symptoms of the illness.
Your cells' responding to your every command is simply the
law of attraction working inside your body.

What do you want? What would you love? Because that is
what you must give to your body. Your cells are your most loyal
subjects who serve you without question, and so whatever you
think, whatever you feel, becomes the law of your body. If you
want to feel as good as you did when you were a child, then
give your cells those commands: "I feel amazing today." "I have
so much energy." "I have perfect eyesight." "I can eat whatever
1 want and maintain my ideal weight." "I sleep like a baby
every night." You are the ruler of a kingdom, and whatever
you think and feel becomes the law of your kingdom - the law
within your body.

Scientists at the Institute of HeartMath in California have
shown that feeling love, gratitude, and appreciation in your
heart boosts your immune system; increases vital chemical
production; increases physical vitality and vigor; reduces
stress hormone levels, high blood pressure, anxiety, guilt, and
burnout; and improves glucose regulation in diabetics. Feelings
of love also create a higher degree of harmony in the rhythm
of your heart. HeartMath has shown that the magnetic field
of the heart is 5,000 times more powerful than the magnetic
field of the brain, and reaches out several feet from our body.
Other scientists are revolutionizing our understanding
of the affect of love on our health, through experiments with
water. What does water have to do with health? Your body
is made up of 70 percent water! The inside of your head is
80 percent water!
Researchers inJapan, Russia, Europe, and the Unjted
States have discovered that when water is exposed to positive
words and feelings such as love and gratitude, the energy level
of the water not only increases, but the structure of the water
changes, malcing it perfectly harmonious. The higher the
positive feeling, the more beautiful and harmonious the water
becomes. When water is exposed to negative emotions, such
as hate, the energy level of the water decreases, and chaotic
changes occur, negatively affecting the structure of the water.
If human emotions can change the structure of water, can
you imagine what your feelings are doing to the health of your
body? Your cells are made of mostly water! The center of every
cell is water, and each cell is completely surrounded by a layer
of water.
Can you imagine the impact of love and gratitude on your
body? Can you imagine the power of love and gratitude to
restore health? When you feel love, your love affects the water
of the 100 trillion cells in your body!

How to Use the Power of Love for Perfect Health

To receive the health you want and love, you must give
love! In the face of any sickness, give good feelings about
health, because only love brings perfect health. You cannot
give bad feelings about sickness and receive health. If you
hate or fear a disease, you will be giving out bad feelings,
and disease can never go away through bad feelings. When you
give thoughts and feelings of what you want, your cells receive
the full force of health. When you give negative thoughts and
feelings of what you don't want, the force of health to your
cells reduces! It doesn't matter if you feel bad about a subject
that has nothing to do with your health; when you feel bad,
you reduce the force of health to your body. But when you
feel love for anything - for a sunny day, new house, friend, or
promotion - your body receives the full force of health.
Gratitude is the great multiplier, so say thank you for your
health every single day. All the money in the world cannot buy
health, because it is a gift from life, and so more than anything
else, be grateful for your health! It's the best health insurance
you can ever take, because gratitude is the assurance of health!
Be grateful for your body instead of finding fault with it.
Every time you have a thought of something you don't like
about your body, remember that the water inside your body
is receiving your feelings. Instead say thank you with all your
heart for what you do like about your body, and ignore the
things you don't like.
"Love draws forth love. "

Before you eat food or drink water, look at what you're
about to eat or drink and feel love and gratitude. Make sure
your conversations are positive when you are sitting down
to a meal.
Blessing food gives love and gratitude for food. As you
bless food, you change the structure of the water in the
food and its effect on your body. Blessing water with love
and gratitude does the same thing. Your positive feelings of
love can change the structure of water in everything - so use
the power.
You can give love and gratitude and use their power while
receiving any medical treatment. If you can imagine being
well, you can feel being well, and if you can feel it, you can
receive it. To see your health improve, all you have to do is
give love more than 50 percent of the time. Just 51 percent
is the tipping point from sickness to health.
When having your eyesight checked or blood pressure
checked, or if you're having a general checkup, receiving
results from tests, or anything concerning your health, it is
very important that you are feeling good during it and while
receiving the results, in order to receive a good outcome. By
the law of attraction, the outcome of the checkup or tests
must match the frequency you're on, so to bring the good
outcome you want, you must be on the frequency to receive
it! Life does not happen the other way around. The outcome
of every situation in your life will always match your frequency
because that is the law of attraction! To get yourself onto a
good feeling frequency about a test, imagine the outcome you
want and feel that you have already received that outcome.
Every possible outcome can happen, but you must be on
a good feeling frequency to receive good outcomes.

"Possibilities and miracles mean the same thing.”

Imagine and feel having the health you want in your body.
If you want to restore your eyesight, give love for perfect
vision and imagine having it. Give love for perfect hearing and
imagine having it. Give love for the perfect weight, perfect
body, perfect health of an organ, and imagine having it, and
be utterly grateful for everything you do have! Your body wiU
change into whatever you want, but it can only do it through
feelings of love and gratitude.
When a young, fit woman was told she had a rare heart
disease, her life crumbled around her. She suddenly felt
weak and fragile. Her future - a normal, healthy life - had
disappeared with the prognosis. She was terrified of leaving
her two young daughters motherless. But this woman decided
she was going to do everything she could to heal her heart.
She refused to entertain any negative thoughts about her
heart. She placed her right hand on her heart every day and
imagined her strong, healthy heart. Every morning when she
woke, she gave the deepest thanks for her strong, healthy
heart. She imagined the cardiologists telling her that she was
cured. She did these things every day for four months, and
when her cardiologists checked her heart four months later,
they were dumbfounded. They checked and rechecked the old
tests against the new test, because the new test showed that
the woman's heart was perfectly strong and healthy.
This woman lived according to love's law of attraction.
She did not own the prognosis of a diseased heart in her mind,
but she gave love for a healthy heart, and she owned a healthy
heart instead. If you are facing any kind of illness, do your best
not to own it with your thoughts and words. Don't hate an
illness either, because that is giving negativity to it. Instead,
give love to health, own health, and make it yours.

"Keep your mind as much as you can from dwelling
on your ailment. Think of strength and power and
you will draw it to you. Think of health and you
get it."

Every moment you feel love for your health, the force of a..riI
love is eliminating any negativity in your body! If you find . -,- .
it difficult to feel good about your health, all that matters
is that you feel love for anything, so surround yourself with
everything you love, and use those things to feel as good as
you can. Use everything you can in the outside world so that
you feel love. Watch movies that make you laugh and feel
good, not movies that make you feel tense or sad. Listen to
music that makes you feel good. Get people to teLl you jokes
that make you laugh, or have them tell you funny stories about
their most embarrassing moments. You know the things you
love. You know your favorite things. You know what makes
you happy, so draw on them all and feel as good as you can.
Use the Creation Process. Use the Keys to Power. Remember
it only takes giving love and good feelings a minimum
of 51 percent of the time to reach the tipping point and
change everything!
If you want to help somebody who is ill, you can use
the Creation Process and imagine and feel full health being
restored to them. Although you cannot override what another
person is giving to the law of attraction, your power can help
them rise to a frequency where they can receive health.

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