
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Meditation in a Breath

Meditation in a Breath

In less than a minute you can complete a single breath meditation session. Start to finish, it will take you about 30 seconds.

Infinite Nows

There are as many instants of now in a minute as there are in an hour. The now is infinite no matter how long you linger there. Sometimes, when we sit to meditate for 20 minutes or longer, big segments of that time slot lose their immediacy. We drift into default thinking and ride the shallow turbulence of our mental activity. We miss the depth of the moment completely.

By narrowing the time of your meditation session to one breath, you send a message to your consciousness. "This is your only chance. Pay attention now or you'll miss it!" In the beginning, you may be amazed at how much your mind can wander even in the space of one breath. Don't worry about that. It's natural.

How can one breath provide any kind of practice at all? For now, we want to go short and deep rather than long and shallow. We want to be awake and aware for the simple matter of seconds it takes to complete one single cycle of breathing. When you think about it, it seems manageable. You may feel a surge of confidence. When you sense that each now is nested within all nows, you realize that an instant of pure consciousness will take you further than a marathon of habit driven practice.

No Effort

Don't force. Don't push. Don't direct it. Simply follow it. It is the only breath you will be attending to in this way so give it all your attention. There's not enough time to get bored. This is as easy as it gets.

The Method

When you are ready to begin, close your eyes. Once you have completed one cycle of in and out (or out and in), open your eyes. You're done.

Using the opening and closing of your eyes to punctuate your session accomplishes two things. It funnels your attention inward as your eyes close for your very brief chance at sensing this unique breath which will never occur again in all of creation. It also makes distinct your session. It tells your conscious mind that you have started something and you have completed it.

It introduces tiny hints of freedom into physical and emotional areas of constriction. Ultimately, this subtle sense of liberation filters down to your relationships, your health, your work, and more. It brings space, light, and openness. It gives you some room to be yourself.


These single breaths become like cookies. They taste sweet, and once you have one you want another. They are small and individual and you can have one as a treat or you can sit down with the whole box and meditate for an hour.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Visualisation - What it is

“Visualization” is:

“seeing and feeling yourself in your own mind already being, doing, and having the good that you desire.”

“Visualization” is:

“deliberate, positive, creative dreaming (imagining) of things into expression or existence.”

Whenever I use the term “magic” I usually qualify it, and I’m going to use the term “magic” here. Visualization actually works like magic. It will skip you over a lot of difficulties in reaching your goal.

We’ve had people who have used it for the first time when they learned it here and got dramatic, seemingly miraculous results.

The first part of the definition of visualization talks about "having the good that you desire".

Notice the word "desire". Can you see that there is something that needs to happen before you even visualize.

What is it? What is the first thing you must do?

You have to decide what you desire. You have to decide

exactly what it is that you want.

Decide and Be Definite!

I can never emphasize too often or too much the importance of using your power of decision.

And I am always surprised at the people in life who have never really decided exactly what they want.

So decide exactly what you want to be;

decide exactly what you want to do;

decide exactly what you want to have...

...and then see and feel yourself in your own mind already being, doing, and having that good which you desire.

What Does the Bible Say About Visualization?

Perhaps some of us who are from a Bible background are already asking, “Well, Rev. Ike, what has this mind science business and this visualization business got to do with the Bible?”


There are may scriptures in the Bible that deal with visualization. One of these visualization scriptures says,

“Where there is no vision the people perish”.

Let’s quote together again the scripture, “Where there is no vision the people perish.” What does that mean?

It simply means that if you cannot see yourself being what you want to be, you will perish without ever being it.

If you cannot see and feel yourself having what you want to have, you will perish without ever having it.

If you cannot see and feel yourself accomplishing the good that you desire to accomplish, you will perish without accomplishing it.

Where there is no vision the people perish. The word “visualization” could be substituted:

“Where there is no visualization the people perish.”

See Yourself As You Wish to Be!

“Visualization,” or “vision” in this particular verse of scripture, also indicates that if you cannot see yourself out of your poverty, you will die in poverty.

If you cannot see yourself well, you will perish in your sickness.

Therefore, see yourself healthy in your own mind.

See yourself happy in your own mind. Have a vision of yourself as a happy person.

See yourself loving and being loved in your own mind.

See yourself as a successful prosperous person in your own mind.

See yourself with plenty of money in your own mind. For if you do not see yourself with plenty of money you are likely to die without having any money.

“You mean, Rev. Ike, if I am broke, and it’s a fact that I don’t have any money, I am still to imagine I’ve got it?” Yes! That’s exactly what it means.

You must see yourself as you wish to be!

Ajker bhabna - Aug 31 2010

From The Secret Daily Teachings

There is a difference between feeling gratitude and appreciation for something, and feeling attachment to something. Appreciation and gratitude are states of pure love, while attachment contains fear - fear of losing or not having what you are attached to. When it comes to something you want in your life, appreciation and gratitude attracts, and attachment pushes away. If you are feeling afraid that you will not get what you want, or losing what you have, then you have attachment.

To remove the attachment, keep shifting yourself into a state of appreciation and gratitude, until you can feel that the fear has gone.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne

The Secret and The Power... bringing joy to billions